2017 started with a BANG! Literally...
Happy New Year! I can't believe it's already 2017. That's insane... I was in bed by 10:30pm that night, then some crazy hooligan lit a firework RIGHT outside our window and I thought we were going to die. So that was my New Years experience...quite literally started with a bang.
Anywho! I hope you are all doing well and enjoying all of your adventures. It looks like you are having way too much fun to be honest! Haha but that makes me so happy! Maggie and Ben's wedding looked beautiful and she looked INCREDIBLE! But I must say Matthew and George take the cake...they always do. THEY ARE SO STINKING CUTE! (Also Bobs sent me a picture of George with a mouth full of cake...so I suppose they literally take the cake as well as figuratively.
Also Junior came to church on Sunday and he was so happy to be there. I wish I could describe how different he is, but I just cannot put it into words. It's incredible what the Atonement can do in our lives if we are willing to let it in.
We also saw our investigators Jacob and Kortney this week and committed them to come to church. They said they had plans, but committed to come next Sunday...well get this! About 5 minutes into sacrament meeting on Sunday the doors open and in walks Jacob, Kortney, and two former investigators that we dropped like a month ago. ALL TOGETHER! I about fell of the pew when I saw them walk in. They said they loved being there and we are planning to see them this week, so just pray that their hearts are softened and that they are really ready to change. I know this gospel can help them, and they need it.
Ok, so there is this fancy gadget-gizmo they put in cars these days that I have never before utilized.
They call it cruise control. Sister Collins enlightened me this past week and OH. MY. GOODNESS. My life will never be the same.
They call it cruise control. Sister Collins enlightened me this past week and OH. MY. GOODNESS. My life will never be the same.
Also Grandma Gwinnup sent me this black turtle neck and Mama sent me this beanie and when I wear them together I look like a NINJA!!! Am I right?! (picture attached)
Spiritual thought:
Last night all of our plans fell through, so Sister Collins and I hopped in our car and said a mighty prayer. We prayed to be guided specifically to the individual or family that needed us at that moment and for their name to come to our minds. Sister Collins felt impressed to go see our investigator Angela Jankowski, so we heeded the prompting. As she invited us into her home she told us that she had pulled up not even 3 minutes earlier, and that she had a rough day. She proceeded to cry and tell us everything that happened. I could not believe it. It seems like everything that could go wrong in her life is going wrong. We asked her if we could share a scripture and Helaman 5:12 came to mind. As we read it Angela's countenance changed and a look of determination came across her face. After we had testified Angela looked at both of us and said that she wasn't going to let anything take her away from Christ again. She knows that he is on her side, and if she stands firm he will carry her through. She has such great faith! As I read that scripture a small peace of head knowledge sunk deeper into my heart. Life is hard, not the gospel. If we truly have our foundation built on Christ it does not matter the challenges we face. His Atonement covers all. Alone we cannot handle the storms and winds the adversary brings, but with Christ we can. I know that to be true, and I am so grateful that I am learning every single day to strengthen my foundation in Christ.
Love you all times infinity and a billion beyond!
Sister Bengtzen
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